The JCapper User System Definitions Screen Help Doc


Author: Jeff Platt

Date Last Modified: Sept 28, 2011


General Overview



The purpose of the JCapper User System Definitions Screen (also called the User Sys Defs Screen) is to enable the JCapper user to persist settings that cause the JCapper program to behave in a user directed way.


Launching the module: On the face of the JCapper Main Module, click System Settings. On the System Settings Interface, click System Definitions.










Layoff Definition In Days

In JCapper, the default length of a layoff when the program is first downloaded is 45 days. However, a textbox is provided enabling the user to edit this setting - thus making the definition of a layoff in days something that can be defined by the user. To change the setting, click the textbox to give it focus. Then clear the textbox, key your new setting (using an integer to represent number of days) into the textbox, and click the Save button. After clicking the Save button, all visual settings on the face of the module are persisted to the database. The user is presented with a confirmation message that says changes saved.


Impact of changing this setting: Other factors in the program (such as XthStartLayoff, JPR, and UPR) are impacted by the number of days used to define the length of a layoff. After making changes to this setting, it would be a good idea to rebuild databases from scratch and use the Data Window to evaluate the impact your new setting may have on your active UDMs.


Append to Database During Database Build

In JCapper, build database routines can be run from scratch (causing all race card files on the entire folder to be used) or as an append (which limits the build routine to new race cards added to the folder since the last build routine run on that folder.) A checkbox is provided to enable the user to persist default database build behavior. There are two options: 1. Checked – which causes build as append to be the default behavior of the Database Builder. 2. Unchecked – which causes build from scratch to be the default behavior of the Database Builder.


Note that this setting controls default behavior of the Database Builder only. Just prior to building a database, the user can override this setting by selecting a Build Mode from the build modes drop down on the Database Builder screen.



Include Payoffs for Entry Mates

This setting is used to control how JCapper handles mutuel payoffs for coupled entries. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and Unchecked (Off.)  To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is checked (On) coupled entries are treated the same as they are at the track: Losing horses part of a coupled entry are awarded the same mutuel payoffs as winning horses that are part of the same coupled entry.


When the persisted setting is unchecked (Off) all horses that are part of a coupled entry are evaluated in the following manner: Horses that are part of a coupled entry are awarded mutuel payoffs commensurate with their official finish position only. Mutuel payoffs attributable to other horses from the same coupled entry are ignored.



Data Vendor

The default data vendor setting when JCapper is first downloaded is HDW (Handicappers Data Warehouse.) Two checkboxes are provided, enabling the user to switch back and forth between data vendors. To change the setting, check the box for the desired data vendor and click the Save button.


Impact of changing the data vendor setting:

JCapper is capable of handling data files from both HDW and Brisnet. The data vendor setting is used to direct program flow during number crunching so that when data is read from a data file it is handled properly – and not mishandled as data from the other vendor.


When the HDW setting is persisted, the JCapper program will only process HDW data files during Calc Races and Build Database routines. Conversely, when the Brisnet setting is persisted, JCapper will only process Brisnet data files during Calc Races and Build Database routines. If the user attempts to run Calc Races or Build Database routine(s) using data file(s) that fail to match the persisted data vendor setting: Logic in the program will prevent the routine from running and a data vendor conflict message is the result.






Odds Line Display Type

This setting is used to control the type of odds line displayed on the user’s (PlayList file mode) Html Report. A drop down is provided. There are two options: JPR ML OL and User Def OL. To change this setting, select the desired odds line type and click the Save button.


When JPR ML OL is the persisted setting, JPRMLProb and its resulting odds line is displayed on the HTML Report.


When User Def OL is the persisted setting, UPRMLProb and its resulting odds line is displayed on the HTML Report.



Display Trainer Name on HTML Report

This setting is used to control whether or not trainer name is displayed on the user’s (PlayList file mode) HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check or uncheck the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, trainer name is displayed on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, trainer name is not displayed on the HTML Report.



Display Owner Name on HTML Report

This setting is used to control whether or not owner name is displayed on the user’s (PlayList file mode) HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check or uncheck the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, owner name is displayed on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, owner name is not displayed on the HTML Report.



Page Break After Each Race

This setting is used to control insertion of a page break character into the HTML Report between races. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button. Inserting (or not inserting) a page break character between races is done to facilitate printing of HTML Reports.


When the persisted setting is On, a page break character is inserted after each race on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, a page break character is not inserted inside the HTML between races.



Display Available Wager Types

This setting is used to control whether or not available wager types are displayed for each race on the user’s HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, available wager types are displayed on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, available wager types are not displayed on the HTML Report.



Display Compound Pace Array

This setting is used to control whether or not the Compound Pace Array is displayed on the user’s (PlayList file mode) HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, the Compound Pace Array is displayed on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, the Compound Pace Array is not displayed on the HTML Report.



Display UPR UserFactors

This setting is used to control whether or not UserFactors and UPR are displayed on the user’s (PlayList file mode) HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, UserFactors and UPR are displayed on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, UserFactors and UPR are not displayed on the HTML Report.



Display Race Summary

This setting is used to control whether or not the Race Summary is displayed beneath each race on the user’s HTML Report. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, a race summary is displayed beneath each race on the HTML Report. When the persisted setting is Off, the race summary is not displayed on the HTML Report.



Data Folder Manager Launch Button

Clicking this button causes the DFM (Data Folder Manager) module to be launched. The DFM is a separate JCapper module that enables the user to control target folders other JCapper modules will auto-point to when first launched. See the DFM (Data Folder Manager) Help Doc and companion videos for more (detailed) information.






Highlight ML Overlays

This setting is used to control whether or not Overlay Highlighting for the user’s (PlayList file mode) HTML Report is turned on. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, Overlay Highlighting is turned On. With Overlay Highlighting turned On, contenders (defined below) identified as potential overlays (based on user defined cutoffs also defined below) are highlighted with a user defined background color on the user’s PlayList file mode HTML Report.


When the persisted setting is Off, Overlay Highlighting is disabled.


Potential Contenders Defined:


In the original JRating version of JCapper, the following horses are considered by the program as potential contenders:

1. UDM Selections

2. JRating rank=1

3. JRating rank=2

4. CPace rank=1

No other horses will be highlighted.


 In newer JPR enabled versions of JCapper, the following horses are considered by the program as potential contenders:

1. UDM Selections

2. JPR rank=1

3. JPR rank=2

4. CPace rank=1

No other horses will be highlighted.


User Defined Background Color and MLOR3 Cutoffs:


Background Color (Upper Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to control background color. The background color setting persisted in this drop down is associated with the MLOR3 setting persisted in the drop down to the immediate right. When Overlay Highlighting is turned on, the background color and min MLOR3 cutoff are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the user’s PlayList file mode HTML Report.


MLOR3 (Upper Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for MLOR3. The MLOR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down to the immediate left. When Overlay Highlighting is turned on, the min MLOR3 cutoff and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the user’s PlayList file mode HTML Report.  


What is MLOR3? The letters MLOR are an acronym for morning line odds ratio. MLOR3 is an acronym for morning line odds ratio number 3.


During a Calc Races routine, a probability number (based on the odds line type setting persisted above) is generated for each horse. A resulting odds line based on the probability number is then calculated. The morning line odds are then divided by this resulting odds line to arrive at a morning line odds ratio. The higher the morning line odds in relation to the derived odds line, the higher the horse’s MLOR3 number. When Overlay Highlighting is turned On and the horse is a potential contender (as described above) and the horse’s MLOR3 number is at or above the min cutoff persisted in this drop down, the horse is highlighted on the report using the background color persisted by the user in the companion drop down just to the left of this MLOR3 drop down.



Background Color (Lower Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to control background color. The background color setting persisted in this drop down is associated with the MLOR3 setting persisted in the drop down to the immediate right. When Overlay Highlighting is turned on, the background color and min MLOR3 cutoff are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the user’s PlayList file mode HTML Report.


MLOR3 (Lower Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for MLOR3. The MLOR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down to the immediate left. When Overlay Highlighting is turned on, the min MLOR3 cutoff and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the user’s PlayList file mode HTML Report. 


Lower Drop Downs vs. Upper Drop Downs

The purpose for having two sets of drop downs for overlay highlighting (rather than just one) is to give the player two levels of overlay highlighting instead of just one.


The upper drop downs were designed to provide the first level of overlay highlighting. The program default settings for the first level of overlay highlighting are: background color light yellow and min MLOR3 1.30.


The lower drop downs were designed to provide the second level of overlay highlighting. The program default settings for the second level of overlay highlighting are: background color bright yellow and min MLOR3 2.00.


Program behavior based on the above settings:


No overlay highlighting takes place for horses that are not potential contenders. Likewise, overlay highlighting does not take place for horses with MLOR3 numbers below persisted min cutoffs.


Level one overlay highlighting kicks in for potential contenders at or above min MLOR3 cutoff for level 1. A potential contender with MLOR3 of 1.30 or higher would be highlighted in light yellow.


Level two overlay highlighting kicks in for potential contenders at or above min MLOR3 cutoff for level 2. A potential contender with MLOR3 of 2.00 or higher would be highlighted in bright yellow.


In general, I consider it a good idea to use brighter colors for level two overlay highlighting. This makes it easier to spot horses that I am more interested in (at a glance) on the HTML Report.


Important: The program defaults persisted in the MLOR3 drop downs when the program is first downloaded are 1.30 and 2.00. The default cutoffs are not meant to be magic numbers.


I strongly recommend that you build some databases and spend some R&D time at the Data Window to determine MLOR3 cutoffs that are relevant to you (based on the way you define contenders and not the way they are defined in the program defaults.) After doing this, come back to the User Sys Defs Screen and dial in settings for Overlay Highlighting using MLOR3 cutoffs of your own choosing. Your goal should be to make the JCapper program point out horses on your HTML Report that are relevant to YOU (not some program default.)




JCapper2 Import Screen Launch Button

Clicking this button causes the JCapper2 Import Screen to be launched. The JCapper2 Import Screen is a separate Interface that enables the user to import table data out of a source JCapper2.mdb file and write it to a target JCapper2.mdb file. Instructions for importing JCapper2 table data can be found in the video titled Importing Data From One JCapper2.mdb File to Another. A link to the video can be found on the JCapper 101 Audio Video Page at inside of the Operating JCapper in SQL Mode section.






Operate JCapper in SQL Mode

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper is operated in SQL Mode. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)  When this checkbox is checked (On) the companion checkbox labeled Operate JCapper in PlayList File Mode becomes auto unchecked.


To change this setting, check or uncheck the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, JCapper will run in SQL Mode. When the persisted setting is Off, JCapper will run in PlayList File Mode.



Operate JCapper in PlayList File Mode

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper is operated in PlayList File Mode. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)  When this checkbox is checked (On) the companion checkbox labeled Operate JCapper in SQL File Mode becomes auto unchecked.


To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, JCapper will run in PlayList File Mode. When the persisted setting is Off, JCapper will run in SQL File Mode.


Key Differences: SQL Mode vs. PlayList File Mode


SQL Mode: SQL Mode requires at least a basic understanding of the SQL programming language. The primary advantage is one of speed. Data Window queries run significantly faster than they do in PlayList File Mode. The SQL HTML Report can be customized by the user. SQL UDMs are driven by SQL Expressions, meaning that OR Conditionals and mathematical operations can be written into UDM Definitions (meaning that you can create more robust UDMs in SQL Mode than you can in PlayList File Mode.)


PlayList File Mode: The primary advantage is one of simplicity. Creating UDMs does not require the user to know anything about the SQL programming language. All factor constraints can be added to your UDM definitions through the use of visual elements in the UDM Wizard such as drop downs, buttons, checkboxes, and textboxes. Finally, the entire JCapper factor set is available for use in PlayList File Mode (whereas some factors are not available in SQL Mode.)


Considerations for switching back and forth between SQL and PlayList File Mode


Calc Races Routines: When you click the Calc Races button, the type of Calc Races routine that is run will be either SQL Mode or PlayList File Mode depending on the persisted setting. When you run a SQL Calc Races, a SQL HTML Report is generated and the only active UDMs that “fire” are SQL UDMs. When you run a PlayList File Mode Calc Races, a PlayList File Mode HTML Report is generated and the only UDMs that “fire” are PlayList File Mode UDMs.


Build Database Routines: When the Database Builder is first launched, the user’s current settings as persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen determine the boxes checked on the interface. However, the user has the ability to override those settings by selecting a Build Mode from the Build Modes drop down. Because of this, and because the user normally selects a Build Mode just prior to running a Build Database routine,  the SQL Mode or PlayList File Mode settings persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen plays a minimal role when building JCapper databases.


Operating the Data Window: When the Data Window is first launched, the user’s current settings as persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen determines whether the Data Window initially presents the user with the SQL User Interface or the PlayList File Mode User Interface. However, the user does have the ability to switch back and forth from SQL Mode to PlayList File Mode from inside the Data Window. For that reason, the SQL Mode or PlayList File Mode settings persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen plays a minimal role when operating the Data Window.


UDM Behavior: The SQL Mode or PlayList File Mode settings persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen plays no role whatsoever in determining whether an individual UDM behaves as a SQL UDM or a PlayList File UDM.


SQL UDMs: As soon as a valid a SQL Expression is added to a UDM, that UDM becomes a SQL UDM – and all of the PlayList File mode factor constraints for that UDM (while still stored as part of the UDM Definition) become inactive.


PlayList File UDMs: Whenever a UDM Definition does not contain a valid SQL Expression, any and all of the PlayList File mode factor constraints for that UDM become active – and that UDM will behave as a PlayList File UDM.


SQL Mode Setup Wizard Launch Button

Clicking this button causes the SQL Mode Setup Wizard to be launched. The SQL Mode Setup Wizard is a separate JCapper module that enables the user to perform SQL Mode factor setup and customize the SQL HTML Report.


For more (detailed) information, goto and visit the JCapper 101 Audio/Video page. There, you’ll find an index labeled Operating JCapper in SQL Mode. Click that index item and you will be presented with links to documents and videos designed to help you get up to speed operating JCapper in SQL Mode.








The numbers reported in the Data Window’s bankroll summary section are driven by settings persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen.


How does the Data Window’s bankroll summary section work? When a Data Window query is run, settings persisted on the User Sys Defs Screen for starting bankroll, percentage of bankroll for wager size, and maximum wager size are applied to the very first starter returned by the query. That starter either wins or loses its race and the Data Window adds the amount won to the player’s bankroll (or deducts the amount lost) and calculates bankroll size and wager size for the next wager. The next starter is read from the database and this process is repeated. The process is repeated over and over, once for each starter returned by the query. When the query is completed, totals for all wagers made are reported in the bankroll summary section.


Starting Bankroll

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to control the player’s starting bankroll reported in the Data Window’s bankroll summary section.


Percentage of Bankroll for Wager Size

The selection persisted in this drop down defines the percentage of bankroll used to size each theoretical wager reported in the Data Window’s bankroll summary section.


Maximum Wager Size

The selection persisted in this drop down defines the max wager size reported in the Data Window’s bankroll summary section.







There is a factor named PaceLine described on the Supported Factors page at In JCapper, PaceLine is the best final time based speed figure gleaned by the player from the horse’s past performance record. In the PaceLine Selection Section of the User Sys Defs Screen, settings are provided that enable the user to persist a set of rules that define how to glean the best final time based speed figure from a horse’s past performance record to arrive at PaceLine.


Enforce PaceLine Logical Distance

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper enforces a logical distance constraint when evaluating past running lines during PaceLine selection. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)


To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, during PaceLine selection, JCapper will compare the distance for today’s race against the distance from past running lines. If the two races are similar in distance, JCapper will accept the past race as useable for PaceLine selection purposes. If the two races are dissimilar in distance, JCapper will reject the past race for PaceLine selection purposes.


When the persisted setting is Off, during PaceLine selection, instead of making distance comparisons for past races, JCapper simply accepts each past race under consideration as useable for PaceLine selection purposes.


Considerations: Races are typically divided into two distance categories: sprints (less than 8f) and routes (8f and longer.) Under this hierarchy, races 7.5f and shorter are defined as sprint races. Races 1 mile and longer are defined as route races. With the setting persisted as On, when matching up race distances, sprints are matched up with sprints and routes are matched up with routes.


With the setting persisted as Off, race distance is not considered and past sprint figures are considered if today’s race is a route – and past route figures are considered if today’s race is a sprint.



Enforce PaceLine Logical Surface

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper enforces a logical surface constraint when evaluating past running lines during PaceLine selection. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)


To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


When the persisted setting is On, during PaceLine selection, JCapper will compare the surface for today’s race against the surface from past running lines. If the two races are similar in surface, JCapper will accept the past race as useable for PaceLine selection purposes. If the two races are dissimilar in surface, JCapper will reject the past race for PaceLine selection purposes.


When the persisted setting is Off, during PaceLine selection, instead of making surface comparisons for past races, JCapper simply accepts each past race under consideration as useable for PaceLine selection purposes.


Considerations: Races are typically divided into two surface categories: Dirt (D, d) and Turf (T, t.) Under this hierarchy, races run on an outer main (D) dirt course or an inner (d) dirt course are defined as Dirt races. Races run on an outer main (T) turf course or an inner (t) turf course are defined as Turf races.


With the setting persisted as On, when matching up race distances, dirt races are matched up with dirt races and turf races are matched up with turf races. With the setting persisted as Off, surface is not considered and past dirt figures are considered if today’s race is on the turf – and past turf figures are considered if today’s race is on the dirt.



Number of Races Back (drop down)

This setting is used to define the number of races back to be evaluated during PaceLine selection. A drop down is provided.


To change this setting, select the desired number of races back for PaceLine selection and click the Save button.


Prior to the number crunching that takes place during Calc Races and Build Database routines, JCapper will read this setting from the UserSysDefs table. During number crunching, JCapper will evaluate the appropriate number of races back when arriving at PaceLine.


How this works: If the persisted setting is 1 race, the user is telling JCapper to evaluate the horse’s most recent start only. If the persisted setting is 5, the user is telling JCapper to evaluate the horse’s most recent 5 races and pick the best speed fig found from among the races evaluated as the horse’s PaceLine number.)



Number of Days Back (drop down)

This setting is used to define the number of days back (from today’s race) to be evaluated during PaceLine selection. A drop down is provided.


To change this setting, select the desired number of days back (from today’s race) for PaceLine selection and click the Save button.


Prior to the number crunching that takes place during Calc Races and Build Database routines, JCapper will read this setting from the UserSysDefs table. During number crunching, JCapper will evaluate the appropriate number of days back (from today’s race) when arriving at PaceLine.


How this works: If the persisted setting is 90 days, the user is telling JCapper to evaluate races from each horse’s past performance record that were run within the past 90 days only (while ignoring races that are more than 90 days old) and pick the best speed fig found from among the past races run within the defined time frame when arriving at PaceLine.






The Live Play Module is available in JCapper Platinum only. It is not part of JCapper Silver (or JCapper Basic.) The settings found in this section are provided for JCapper Platinum Registered Owners. This section does not apply to JCapper Silver and JCapper Basic customers.


Live Play Enabled

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper writes data to the LivePlay table during Calc Races routines. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) 


To change this setting, check or uncheck the box and click the Save button.


When this checkbox is checked (On) JCapper will write data to the LivePlay table during Calc Races routines.


When this checkbox is unchecked (Off) JCapper will skip writing data to the LivePlay table during Calc Races routines.



Live Play Only

This setting is used to control whether or not JCapper writes data to the Report_1.html and Report_2.html files during Calc Races routines. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.) 


To change this setting, check or uncheck the box and click the Save button.


When this checkbox is checked (On) JCapper will skip writing data to the to the Report_1.html and Report_2.html files during Calc Races routines.


When this checkbox is unchecked (Off) JCapper will write data to the Report_1.html and Report_2.html files during Calc Races routines.


Important Considerations:

Off is the program default setting and is (probably) the setting you should continue to use. Writing to the Report_1.html and Report_2.html files during Calc Races routines is what drives creation of the HTML Report.


Do not persist this setting as On by checking the box unless you want to disable creation of the HTML Report during Calc Races routines.


Consider checking the box (to shave a few seconds off of each Calc Races routine) if you use the Live Play Module exclusively for your own live play and never look at the HTML Report.



Overlay Highlighting (Live Play Module)


Background Color (Upper Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to control background color for Overlay Highlighting in the Live Play Module. The background color setting persisted in this drop down is associated with the MLOR3 and OR3 settings persisted in the drop downs to the immediate right. Overlay Highlighting is automatically turned on (there is no separate on/off setting for it unless you effectively turn it off by setting both MLOR3 and OR3 to the highest possible setting 9.00.) The background color selected and min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


MLOR3 (Upper Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for MLOR3. The MLOR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down to the immediate left. The min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


What is MLOR3? The letters MLOR are an acronym for morning line odds ratio. MLOR3 is an acronym for morning line odds ratio number 3.


During a Calc Races routine, a probability number (based on the odds line type setting persisted above) is generated for each horse. A resulting odds line based on the probability number is then calculated. The morning line odds are then divided by this resulting odds line to arrive at a morning line odds ratio. The higher the morning line odds in relation to the derived odds line, the higher the horse’s MLOR3 number. When Overlay Highlighting is turned On and the horse is a potential contender (as described above) and the horse’s MLOR3 number is at or above the min cutoff persisted in this drop down, the horse is highlighted on the report using the background color persisted by the user in the companion drop down just to the left of this MLOR3 drop down.


OR3 (Upper Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for OR3. The OR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down on the same row to the left. The min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


What is OR3? The letters OR are an acronym for odds ratio. OR3 is an acronym for odds ratio number 3.


After a Calc Races routine is run, a probability number (based on the odds line type setting persisted above) is generated for each horse. A resulting odds line based on the probability number is then calculated.


When the Live Play Module is run in auto or tote stream mode, current odds are known. When the Live Play Module is run in ML/Manual Mode, current odds can be simulated.


Current odds reflect collective public opinion about each horse. Collective public opinion contains more data points than most players are able to generate themselves and is therefore more accurate than probability estimates generated by a single player.


Based on large sample Data Window R&D, I have been able to create algorithms for JCapper that combine probability before the odds are known with probability after the odds are known in a way that produces very accurate probability estimates and odds lines.


OR3 is simply one expected value number found in JCapper. (There are several others.) OR3 is based on a comparison between current odds and an odds line that results from a probability estimate combining JPRMLProb with historical probability based on the odds for the current horse.



Background Color (Lower Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to control background color for Overlay Highlighting in the Live Play Module. The background color setting persisted in this drop down is associated with the MLOR3 and OR3 settings persisted in the drop downs to the immediate right. Overlay Highlighting is automatically turned on (there is no separate on/off setting for it unless you effectively turn it off by setting both MLOR3 and OR3 to the highest possible setting 9.00.) The background color selected and min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


MLOR3 (Lower Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for MLOR3. The MLOR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down to the immediate left. The min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


What is MLOR3? The letters MLOR are an acronym for morning line odds ratio. MLOR3 is an acronym for morning line odds ratio number 3.


During a Calc Races routine, a probability number (based on the odds line type setting persisted above) is generated for each horse. A resulting odds line based on the probability number is then calculated. The morning line odds are then divided by this resulting odds line to arrive at a morning line odds ratio. The higher the morning line odds in relation to the derived odds line, the higher the horse’s MLOR3 number. When Overlay Highlighting is turned On and the horse is a potential contender (as described above) and the horse’s MLOR3 number is at or above the min cutoff persisted in this drop down, the horse is highlighted on the report using the background color persisted by the user in the companion drop down just to the left of this MLOR3 drop down.


OR3 (Lower Drop Down)

The selection persisted in this drop down is used to set a min cutoff for OR3. The OR3 setting in this drop down is associated with the background color set in the drop down on the same row to the left. The min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs and background color are combined to control Overlay Highlighting for each horse on the report for the current race displayed in the Live Play Module.


What is OR3? The letters OR are an acronym for odds ratio. OR3 is an acronym for odds ratio number 3.


After a Calc Races routine is run, a probability number (based on the odds line type setting persisted above) is generated for each horse. A resulting odds line based on the probability number is then calculated.


When the Live Play Module is run in auto or tote stream mode, current odds are known. When the Live Play Module is run in ML/Manual Mode, current odds can be simulated.


Current odds reflect collective public opinion about each horse. Collective public opinion contains more data points than most players are able to generate themselves and is therefore more accurate than probability estimates generated by a single player.


Based on large sample Data Window R&D, I have been able to create algorithms for JCapper that combine probability before the odds are known with probability after the odds are known in a way that produces very accurate probability estimates and odds lines.


OR3 is simply one expected value number found in JCapper. (There are several others.) OR3 is based on a comparison between current odds and an odds line that results from a probability estimate combining JPRMLProb with historical probability based on the odds for the current horse.


Lower Drop Downs vs. Upper Drop Downs

The purpose for having two sets of drop downs for overlay highlighting (rather than just one) is to give the player two levels of overlay highlighting in the Live Play Module instead of just one.


The upper drop downs were designed to provide the first level of overlay highlighting. The program default settings for the first level of overlay highlighting are: background color light blue, min MLOR3 1.30, and min OR3 1.00.


The lower drop downs were designed to provide the second level of overlay highlighting. The program default settings for the second level of overlay highlighting are: background color bright blue, min MLOR3 2.00, and min OR3 1.40.


Program behavior based on the above settings:


Unlike Overlay Highlighting on the PlayList File Mode HTML Report, all horses in the Live Play Module are considered to be contenders. (More on this in a moment.) Therefore, all horses in the Live Play Module are highlighted provided min cutoffs for MLOR3 and OR3 are met.


Level one overlay highlighting kicks in at or above min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs for level 1. A horse with MLOR3 of 1.30 or higher and OR3 of 1.00 or higher would be highlighted in light blue.


Level two overlay highlighting kicks in at or above min MLOR3 and OR3 cutoffs for level 2. A horse with MLOR3 of 2.00 or higher and OR3 of 1.40 or higher would be highlighted in bright blue.


In general, I consider it a good idea to use brighter colors for level two overlay highlighting. This makes it easier to spot horses that I am more interested in (at a glance) on the Live Play Module Report.


Important: The program defaults persisted in the MLOR3 and OR3 drop downs when the program is first downloaded are not meant to be magic numbers.


I strongly recommend that you build some databases and spend some R&D time at the Data Window to determine value ratio cutoffs that are relevant to you based on a combination of the way you define contenders and cutoffs suggesting potentially profitable play that you see in the Data Window. After doing this, consider coming back to the User Sys Defs Screen to dial in settings for Overlay Highlighting using cutoffs of your own choosing. Your goal should be to make the JCapper program point out horses in The Live Play Module that are relevant to YOU (and not some program default.)







UPR is an acronym that stands for User Power Rating. JCapper Platinum customers have the ability to use the ImpactValues Table Wizard and UPR Tools Interface to create their own handicapping factors. (JCapper Silver and JCapper Basic users do not have this ability.) The settings found in this section of the User Sys Defs Screen apply to JCapper Platinum users. JCapper Silver and JCapper Basic users can skip this section.


UPR GroupName

This setting is used to define the current UPR GroupName. A drop down is provided.


JCapper Platinum users have the ability to create multiple UPRs (user power ratings.)  Each UPR created must have a unique name. The unique name for each UPR is called a GroupName.


When the User Sys Defs Screen is first launched, the UPR GroupName drop down is populated with the unique GroupNames for each UPR created by the user. If the user has not taken the time to create a UPR under a GroupName, the only entry in the drop down will be DEFAULT (the factor handle for the default power rating that comes with the program download.)


To change this setting, select the desired UPR GroupName and click the Save button.



JPR Gap Rev

This setting is used to toggle on a revised algorithm for calculating JPR. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)


To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


The revised algorithm, when toggled on, causes JCapper to treat past races taken off the turf, horses scratched from today’s race, and the calculation for JCapper Form Rating in a (new) proprietary way when number crunching for Calc Races and Build Database Routines is performed.


When the revised algorithm is toggled off, JCapper will handle past races taken off the turf, horses scratched from today’s race, and the calculation for JCapper Form Rating using the algorithms present in the initial release of JCapper 2007.



UPR Gap Rev

This setting is used to toggle on a revised algorithm for calculating UPR. A checkbox is provided. There are two options: Checked (On) and unchecked (Off.)


To change this setting, check (or uncheck) the box and click the Save button.


The revised algorithm was introduced in 2007. Checking the box toggles the revised algorithm On. Unchecking the box toggles the revised algorithm Off.


The revised algorithm, when toggled on, causes JCapper to treat past races taken off the turf, horses scratched from today’s race, and the calculation for JCapper Form Rating in a (new) proprietary way when number crunching for Calc Races and Build Database Routines is performed.


When the revised algorithm is toggled off, JCapper will handle past races taken off the turf, horses scratched from today’s race, and the calculation for JCapper Form Rating using the algorithms present in the initial release of JCapper 2007.


Impact of Changes to UPR Settings – General Considerations:

Players occasionally ask me for guidance as to whether or not they should make changes to their UPR settings on the User Sys Defs Screen. The correct answer to this type of question is to test proposed changes first before adopting them for live play. This is done by recording your old settings, persisting your new settings, and then building databases from scratch followed by Data Window R&D on your rebuilt databases. If Data Window R&D indicates the new settings produced an improvement in hit rate and/or flat win bet roi in samples of significant size, then you should probably keep your new settings. If Data Window R&D indicates the new settings produced a decline in hit rate and/or flat win bet roi, then you should revert back to your old settings.


Impact of Changes to UPR Settings - Calc Races Routines:

Just prior to running a Calc Races routine, JCapper will read the persisted UPR settings from the UserSysDefs table and apply them during number crunching. Depending on the work behind the new settings (number crunching driven by an individual UPR GroupName, etc.) this can have a significant effect on JCapper program output displayed on race day reports.


Impact of Changes to UPR Settings – Build Database Routines – In General:

Just prior to running a Build Database routine, JCapper will read the persisted UPR settings from the UserSysDefs table and apply them during number crunching. Depending on the work behind the new settings (number crunching driven by an individual UPR GroupName, etc.) this can have a significant effect on JCapper program output written to a database.


Impact of Changes to UPR Settings – Databases Built From Scratch:

Just prior to running a Build Database routine, JCapper will read the persisted UPR settings from the UserSysDefs table and apply them during number crunching. When a database is built (or rebuilt) from scratch, the pl_profile.txt file on the target folder is destroyed and overwritten with new data driven by the current build database routine. This means that if you rebuild a target folder from scratch after persisting new UPR settings on the User Sys Defs Screen, the resulting pl_profile.txt file on the target folder will contain data driven by your latest persisted settings.


However, data sitting in pl_profile.txt files on other target folders remains unchanged because they have not yet been rebuilt from scratch using your new settings. Data sitting in the pl_profile.txt files on other target folders will continue to contain data driven by your old settings until such time as you decide to rebuild those folder(s) from scratch.


Impact of Changes to UPR Settings –Append Database Builds:

Just prior to running a Build Database routine, JCapper will read the persisted UPR settings from the UserSysDefs table and apply them during number crunching. When an append database build is run on a target folder, the pl_profile.txt file on that folder is left intact and new data (driven by the current persisted settings at database build time) is appended to the file.


This means that if you run an append build on a target folder after persisting new UPR settings on the User Sys Defs Screen, the pl_profile.txt file on that folder will contain data driven by the older settings for the older races in the file followed by data driven by the latest persisted UPR settings for the most recent races in the file.


Best Practice: After making changes to your UPR settings, consider rebuilding all of your target folders from scratch (and repopulating the starterhistory table if you are operating JCapper in SQL Mode.)




Enhanced Settings Module Launch Button

Clicking this button causes the Enhanced Settings Module to be launched. The Enhanced Settings Module is a separate JCapper module that enables the user to persist additional JCapper settings. See the Enhanced Settings Module Help Doc for more (detailed) information.